Day 81, Monday, August 19, Kippens NL to Channel Port aux Basques NL

Today we have all day to travel the 100 kilometer distance from Kippens to Port aux Basques to catch the overnight ferry to Sydney.


So we went exploring the peninsula west of Kippens. It almost looks like a fish or a dogs head on the map. Very interesting but couldn’t figure out how anyone made a living out here.







Like the rest of Newfoundland the scenery was spectacular.





The shoreline is out into the Gulf of St. Lawrence as this is the south west corner of Newfoundland. It isn’t the farthest west you can go, but it’s close.





Lots of cliffs & beaches.






Another one.



And you thought a neighbor with a Greek statue or 2 in the front yard was a little unusual? There were a couple of yards in one village like this. Don’t know why.





At the top of one set of cliffs it looked like the moon. Very little vegetation and lots of rock.



Dark & stormy looking on this rugged point.




This is the tie between the main island and this peninsula. Two narrow gravel bars.





On the ride down to Port aux Basques, Maya decided she needed to use Bailey as her pillow.


RV mileage – 109 miles

Mileage to date –  11,895


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